BodeHITS ™

BodeHITS Local DNA Database

  • Bode Technology will test your samples, create a custom local database for your agency, and search your database for ‘hits’ to other DNA profiles
  • Option to compare your agency’s profile to the databases of other cooperating law enforcement agencies; expanding your search increases the potential of BodeHITS
  • Online and automated tools to track and manage sample submissions and ‘hit’ notifications

Why Bode Technology

  • High success rates in obtaining profiles from property crime samples; greater success in obtaining profiles aids law enforcement agencies in identifying suspects and closing more cases
  • Database stores your profiles; hit notifications sent via email
  • Scientific experts available for consultation before, during, and after sample submission and testing
  • Streamlined processes and cost-effective testing with a short turnaround time
  • No restrictions on the type or number of samples submitted for testing
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